The Michigamme Township Treasurer will be in the office Monday, September 16, 2024 from 8:00 AM-5:00 PM to collect taxes. Posted 9/10/2024 & Updated 9/16/2024
Township is taking applications for Receptionist position. Click here for more information.
Township is taking applications for Open Planning Clerk position. Click here for more information.
Township Taking Applications for Open Planning Commission Position: The Michigamme Township Board is requesting applications for anyone interested in filling the vacant position on the Planning Commission. Please drop off completed applications at the Township Office.
The Michigamme Museum will be open Friday, Saturday, and Sunday through October 24, 2024.
Folk Dancing: Come join other community members and learn how to do International Folk Dancing on Thursdays in August from 7pm-8 pm at the Michigamme Community Building.
CUPPAD Notice of Intent: The County Board of Commissioners is requesting each municipality post this Notice of Intent. See attached for details.
4th of July Committee: Michigamme Township is looking for community members interested in being a part of the July 4th Committee. Your commitment will help ensure we keep the fireworks show on Lake Michigamme tradition. If you are interested, please stop by the township, or give us a call at 906-323-6608.
Garbage/Recycle Day Change: Our township’s weekly garbage day has changed from Wednesdays to Thursdays and recycling is still bi-weekly. Garbage bins have been delivered; however, we know some addresses/roads never received a garbage container and/or didn’t receive enough containers for all residents on a specific road. If you haven’t received a bin, please call the office so we can send your address to the refuge company. We apologize for all the confusion, and we are working with the company to get the issue resolved. See attached flyer for details.
Library summer hours: The library will be open Mondays through Saturdays from 10:00 AM-7:00 PM.
2024 Newsletter and Calendar: Check out the latest news and events in the Michigamme community in this year’s newsletter. If you currently get your newsletter mailed to you but you would prefer an electronic copy to help save the township a little money, send an email to and put “Newsletter Email” as the subject.
Assessor Info: The Assessing Department would like to remind residents that fieldwork throughout the Township is ongoing. The Township Assessor may need to enter your property to gather information and verify dimensions, but they will never need to enter any structure. If you recently purchased your property or built a structure, please expect a site visit or inspection. The best way to get a hold of Justin is by email, Or you can call him at 906-396-5429.
Thank you, donors: The Michigamme community greatly appreciates all the donations it receives. To better ensure that your donation gets to the right organization, please make out the check to the “Friends of the Michigamme Community” and/or “Michigamme Spurr 4th of July Council.” This will ensure your check will be tax exempt and you will also receive a receipt for your donation. Again, thank you and know that your donation helps support these great organizations so they can sponsor events throughout the year!
Lost and Found: All items that are found in the Community Building or other township property are brought to the office. If you think you’ve left something behind, please either stop by or call to see if we have it. The number to call is 906-323-6608.
Ishpeming Senior Center: The Ishpeming Senior Center serves people 60 and over in our township too! Services and programs are available to assist seniors in living independently including homemaking, healthy meals, rides to doctor appointments, financial assistance, and much more! For more information go to
Lakeview Cemetery Ordinance: The Lakeview Cemetery Ordinance and Lakeview Cemetery fees have been updated and can be found on the Government/Ordinances tab.
Property tax exemptions: Residents meeting income limits and asset levels set by the State of Michigan may be eligible for a full or partial exemption of property taxes.
Poverty Exemption: If you are interested in getting a Poverty Exemption for property taxes, please fill out the Poverty Exemption Application and the Poverty Exemption Affidavit. Then bring those to the next Board of Review. Dates for the Board of Review can be found HERE.
Michigamme Museum Calendar 2024 Fundraiser!
Michigamme Museum: The museum has made changes in how to donate and how they fundraise. Please read their letter HERE. The museum is accepting deposit-able bottles and cans, and they can be put in the bins under the awning near the north door of the Township Hall.
Notice: Michigamme Township would like to remind residents to call 811 Miss Dig before doing any digging to reduce the chances of hitting gas lines – Flyer
Workout room: The Community Building is open Monday-Thursday for residents to access the workout room at your leisure when the building is staffed.
SENIOR MEALS are in-person. Please let Nancy (906-869-1557) or Bill (906-201-4727) know before Thursday of the prior week if you want a meal.